Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Today is June 3, 2009

The photograph above is one I took of Venus rising in the sky in 2004. It was really beautiful and clear.

It is sooooooooo hot! It was 96 degrees yesterday afternoon. I dread seeing the temps today. I'm hibernating in the house.

My son is in the war but I don't know where. I read in the news where Osama Bin Laden stuck his ugly head out of his cave and supposedly made a statement about Obama and the U.S. I just hope and pray the troops are safe and return home in one piece and alive.

I was looking for a magnet for my car yesterday, you know the ones, the yellow ribbons with Support Your Troops on them? I couldn't find one in any of the stores, except WalMart and they were shoved under a bunch of junk in the clearance aisle. They weren't clearance. Some clerk or customer decided they didn't belong on the right aisle. What happened to everyone backing our troops? No magnets at all anywhere else. I remember when they were on the registers of every store, a few years ago. I hope people are not forgetting our soldiers. :(

Speaking of yellow ribbons, I noticed quite a few popped up around town this week. I have mine up. I wish everyone, even those who did not have deployed soldiers, put one on their mailbox so they show their support for other's loved ones. It would be a nice gesture, but I guess it's too much to ask of a community in today's society.

Where I used to live the court house put up yellow ribbons, names and branch all around their fence. They are still up there and will not come down til everyone is home. Yay for that county!You're doing it right!

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