Saturday, December 27, 2008

What I learned over the years

Don't take anyone for granted. They can be here today and gone in a flash. Love your family and friends now. You never know when they will be ripped from your arms never to return to this earth.

I've lost a lot of relatives, including a husband, and yesterday I discovered a man I respected was taken away by cancer last year. It's so sad, because his wife died in 2006. Both were drug/alcohol addicted and the sad part is, they met in AA. They got married and had two children. I lost track of him after child #1 and was horrified to read his obituary on the internet yesterday! I learned since that he had gone back to his alcohol due to her addictions and they were never really happy.

So, please, hug your children, hug your spouse and especially hug your parents if they are still around, your sisters and brothers and everyone else close to you. Don't ever forget, life is so very short.

Oh well, no wonder I can't sleep at night! I have these thoughts.


Awful to suffer from, I know. I've had it for over 2 years and can't seem to get over it. Nothing I try works, except for just falling out when I least expect it. Lately I've not been reading in bed and that seems to help.

Showers, baths, clean sheets, quiet room, warm milk, boring book, tv, soft music, nothing at all helps until I toss and turn. Then miraculously I fall asleep and don't dare wake me up before I'm ready to get up. I sleep a lot during the day.

Anyone else have this wonderful (sarcasm) affliction?